Monday, April 30, 2007

Blueberry Cheesecake

I've got 3/4-full can of blueberry pie filling in the fridge and didn't have any plans to make blueberry pie coz I don't like it. So after looking for danish cream cheese in Phoon Huat and only found one package after two weeks, I bought Philadelphia cream cheese. Eventually. And why is that? because danish cream cheese is much cheaper, of course, what else?

But no regrets whatsoever, because I knew all along Philly tastes sooo good, and halal (yay..). It is true though, price comes with quality.

Honestly, I prefer New York style cheesecake than blueberry cheesecake. NYCC is creamier and cheesier. Hubby, on the other side likes blueberry cheesecake better because it is more dense in texture yet lighter in flavour.He could eat two slices at once. What? two slices at once? yep, that's savouring cheesecake the barbarian way ;))

I only made half batch of the recipe, enough to satisfy our cheese craving. This recipe is top markotop dah...try it your self, the next time you pass Starbucks, you won't have to drool over their cheesecakes anymore :))

Blueberry Cheese Cake (Recipe by Fatmah Bahalwan)

250 gr biskuit oreo

100 gr margarine lelehkan

1/2 sdt vanili bubuk

200 gr gula pasir

4 butir telur

1 kg cheese cream

250 gr sour cream
250 ml whipped cream

1 sdm gula pasir

250 gr selai blueberry

Cara membuat:
Siapkan loyang bongkar pasang 22 cm olesi mentega, sisihkan.
Hancurkan oreo hingga halus, lalu tuang margarine leleh dan vanili bubuk, aduk rata.
Masukkan adonan biskuit pada loyang, ratakan dan tekan-tekan sampai padat, oven sebentar [5-10 menit] angkat, sisihkan.
Kocok gula dan telur hingga kental, masukkan cheese cream dan sour cream bergantian sambil dikocok terus.
Tuangkan adonan ini ke atas adonan biskuit, lalu oven dengan cara au bain marie [diletakkan di atas loyang yang sudah diisi air] selama 90 menit.
angkat, dinginkan di suhu kamar, hingga benar-benar dingin.
Kocok whipped cream dan gula pasir hingga kental, oleskan di atas cheese cake, lalu bekukan dalam kulkas selama 4 jam.
Keluarkan, ratakan selai blueberry di atasnya, hias sesuai selera.
potong2, sajikan.


Blogger Luki said...

wadow cheesecake!,dah lama nih gak makan, mauu duoongg :D

April 30, 2007 at 5:16 PM  
Blogger ~s h i n t a~ said...

Waduuh, yang kaya gini ngaku amatiran... jadi minder nih :)

April 30, 2007 at 9:11 PM  
Blogger Nia said...

Iya mbak, nestum itu yg kayak oats :) Btw blognya Nia link ya. Salam kenal jg dr Bedok ;)

May 1, 2007 at 1:04 AM  
Blogger MaMahoney said...

woooow tob tob! fotonya keren2 bgts!

May 1, 2007 at 5:16 AM  
Blogger semuasayanganna said...

ftonya ud bkin ngilerrr...

August 28, 2007 at 12:35 AM  

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