Saturday, April 7, 2007

Cinnamon Cake With Chocolate Ganache

You could never go wrong with chocolate and cinnamon. They go along perfectly well ..

This is my favourite butter cake recipe. Normally I prefer sponge cake than butter cake. But this one is an exception, even my hubby who is not really a cake fan, likes this.

The recipe is mbak Fat's basic butter cake recipe. Instead of spreading the cinnamon powder all over the baked cake, I practically put the cinnamon powder into the batter so I could get more 'cinnamony' flavour. And yes it is cinnamony alright. It is good even without the chocolate ganache. But if you want a little something extra to go with your cinnamon cake, chocolate is the perfect pairing.

Cinnamon Cake (Fatmah Bahalwan)
120gr mentega
½ sdt vanili
250 g gula pasir
2 butir telur
200 g tepung terigu
1 sdt Baking Powder
150ml susu segar

Bahan pelengkap:Gula bubuk dan bubuk kayu manis secukupnya

Cara membuat:

Kocok mentega, gula, vanili hingga mengembang dan pucat. Masukkan telur, kocok lagi hingga tercampur rata dan mengembang.
Masukkan tepung dan susu secara bergantian, sambil diaduk hingga rata.
Oven hingga matang (lebih kurang 30 menit untuk loyang kotak 22 cm, tinggi 3-4 cm).
Angkat, dinginkan. Taburi gula bubuk dan kayu manis, potong-potong.

Rotation of Resize of DSCF0897


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